I first got to know Rosemary when my pastor introduced her to me at church. Network Antioxidants were then supposed to help me manage the eczema I had when I was a kid. I currently take VigourCells(VC) to supplement cancer treatment to strengthen my natural immunity. Previous dosage was 4 capsules a day - 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Now it's 6 - 3 in the morning and 3 at night.
So far, it's helped me with treatment. I have no quantitative data, but I believe it has helped me bounce back from my treatments rather quickly and I don't usually take a long time - more than a full day to get back to daily activities after treatment while on VC. Since the years I've been on VC, I rarely ever fall sick. Along with strengthening immune function, I realize my red blood cell count has been well - maintained when I was looking through my health data.
If you've not tried VigourCells, you should give it a go!
This is me living my best life while still fighting stage 4 cancer. I hit the gym, have excellent cardiovascular function, and still have nice crop of hair. And VC is part of my health regime.
Damien Cheong, on VigourCells since May 2020
I’ve been using VigourCells and Pine Bark supplements for the past nine months, and I have to say, I’m really impressed! At first, I didn’t notice much change besides getting better sleep. But by the third month, I started to see a noticeable boost in my hair growth—it looks so much healthier now, even after all the bleaching I’ve done. I’m also thrilled to report that my cholesterol and glucose levels have improved a lot! Plus, my stamina has really picked up; I can now run to catch my train in Europe while juggling a bag and bundled up in warm clothes. I never thought I could cover 1.5 km in just 19 minutes to catch the last train, especially at 59! And when I was in Yunan before my trip to Europe, I didn’t have any problems walking and climbing steps up in the mountains. Most of the people had to use the oxygen bottles, including my daughter.
Eleanor Tan, on VigourCells since February 2024
I met Rosemary through a mutual friend almost 10 years ago. At that time, I was doing chemo for my stage 3 colorectal cancer in 2015. Rose introduced to me her network antioxidants which helped me regain my health. At that time, my friend and I encouraged Rose to make her product commercial which she did and the rest is history.
After each chemo session, I can feel my body weakened tremendously. But after just a week of taking the network antioxidant, I bounced back and was ready for the next round of chemo. I would take 4 capsules daily on the week I am not taking my chemo meds and stopped while having chemo. Since the time I've completed my 5th round (instead of the recommended 8 rounds) of chemo, I have been taking 2 VigourCells capsules daily. They have given me good energy levels and overall good health.
VigourCells will be a forever supplement for me and my 97 year old mom who’s been on network antioxidants and VigourCells also for almost 8 years now.
Anita Rios, on VigourCells since 2020
I started taking VigourCells in mid 2021. My sis-in-law introduced me to Elixir Botanica in the hope that the natural supplements would help me and my family. I had just undergone a heart bypass then and my husband was in remission of his cancer. I was feeling weak and felt that my recovery was slow. Rosemary (the founder of Elixir Botanica) visited us and talked to both of us, helping us to understand the nutrients in VigourCells that will aid in strengthening our bodies. So I started off taking 6-8 VigourCells daily. I was also on kidney dialysis at that time and after a few months, I saw an improvement in my energy level. I didn’t feel tired like I used to. I remember people telling me that I don’t look sickly, or like someone who’s on dialysis. You see, I was still working then and still had to cook and do housework after work.
In October 2024, I suffered a tear on my foot. It got very badly infected such that my foot turned black and the doctors wanted to amputate it. I said no as I wanted to try using VigourCells to heal it and asked to be discharged. Once I was home, I opened up 4 VigourCells capsules and applied the contents on my wound and bandaged it. The next day, I could see that the black color portion became lighter in color! I repeated the process daily and over the next few weeks, the black color portion kept reducing in size and now, it’s reduced to a very small portion.
Besides feeling greater vitality and experiencing the regeneration of the flesh on my foot, VigourCells also helped me during the period when I had my kidney transplant last year. Due to the transplant, I had to be on steroids. My hair loss was very serious because of that. However, with VigourCells, the hair loss condition improved a lot. Now, I have a full head of healthy hair!
Martina Capel, on VigourCells since 2021
My whole family has been taking VigourCells for about 5 months now, and I can confidently say our immunity has greatly improved. We rarely get sick now, and when we do, we recover much faster than before. After just three months of taking the supplement, I noticed significant hair growth—my stylist was shocked when I visited him for a haircut. He couldn’t believe how thick my hair had become in just a month! I highly recommend VigourCells for anyone looking to boost their health and vitality.
Rachelle Te and family, on VigourCells since May 2024
I was diagnosed with stomach cancer in December 1989. An endoscopy done showed that I had 3 ulcers in my stomach, each as big as 50-cent coin size. When the biopsy was done, it was confirmed that I had stage 4 stomach cancer.
I felt very bitter. Being a Christian, I asked, “Why me, God? Why did such a thing happen to me?”. I knew that I was nearing death and would leave my wife and two children behind. Often, the battle with cancer is also a battle with bitterness.
On 23 March 1990, I had a surgery to remove the cancerous portion of my stomach. It amounted to 70% of my stomach. After the surgery, my surgeon, informed me that, apart from my stomach, several lymph nodes at the abdomen, abdominal cavity area were removed too. The biopsies done confirmed that my lymphatic system was affected. Chemotherapy after surgery was recommended by the oncologist so as to prolong my life. Otherwise, I will not live more than three years. However, he was not able to tell me for how long more I can live.
After hearing what the oncologist said, I prayed to God and asked Him to heal me. I asked in my prayer to give me 20 more years to live. God answered my prayers in two ways: Pastor Reverend Leslie Kwok visited me on Easter, and he prayed with me. He said he saw a vision and asked me whether I saw it too. I said, “Yes, I saw a vertical row of 3 lights, just like the traffic lamp post. The top and middle lights faded away, leaving the bottom light on. The red light was on.”. Pastor asked me, “Do you know what the vision means?” I said, “Yes, I think God answered my prayer.”. I told Pastor that I was reading Psalms 90, verse 10, that the days of our lives are 3 scores and 10. 1 score is 20 years. 3 score and 10 means a person's average life is 70 years. I told God in my prayer that as I was 40 years old at this time, that was 2 scores. I prayed and ask that God will give me another 20 years to live, so that my children will, by then, be adults and be able to look after the mother. And I believed that in this vision, one red life represented a score - 20 years. And I have faith that God is going to give me to live for another 20 years. The second incident on 30 April, I attended a full gospel fellowship meeting at the old PUB auditorium. The speaker, who is from the Philippines, Pastor Eddie spoke on healing and quoted Exodus 15 : 26: if you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His eye. Pay attention to His commands and keep all His decrees. I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians for I am the Lord who heals you. He shared how God healed his sister of brain tumor. At the end of his message, Pastor pointed me out from the audience and asked me to come down to the stage. I told him about my cancer, and when he prayed, I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. When I woke up, he asked me about my experience. And then he said, “God has healed you, and you don't need chemotherapy.”. So at my next visit, I told the oncologist and the other two doctors that I will not go for the chemotherapy. They were very shocked and warned me of the grave consequences. They keep trying to persuade me that I should have chemotherapy. However, I stood firm in my decision - no chemotherapy. They even interviewed my wife to make sure that she was aware of the consequences of my decision.
The other thing that I did was I changed my diet. My Professor doctor said that one of the main causes of stomach cancer is having an all-meat diet, no vegetables. And that was true as since I was a kid, I hated vegetables. So I changed my diet for the next five years of my life. I only ate fish and vegetables without any meat at all. My lunch and dinner consist of miso soup, fish and vegetables. The vegetables that I ate are all steamed and so were the fish. That's how I lived for 5 years after my surgery. That helped a lot. 23 Feb 2024 was my 34th anniversary of my cancer diagnosis.
I was well and fine for many years after my surgery and I thought that it was all over. But another cancer hit me. On 2 August 2013, I had both urine and prostate specific antigen(PSA) tests done. My PSA reading was 4.9 but the upper limit is 4.0 so the urologist suspected that I may have prostate cancer. My PSA reading kept going up till it hits 14. My urologist decided that I should go for treatment and proposed to me that I can do either surgery or radiation. I decided to go for external beam radiation therapy and went for a total of 37 sessions from August to October. 2017. After radiation, my PSA result read 2.0 and today, on 15 February, 2024 the reading is 0.29. Again, it is God who healed me.
And then another major problem happened after the prostate cancer treatment. I had chronic diarrhoea. I had to rush to the toilet after every meal, no matter what I ate. And again, I was referred to the gastroenterology clinic at SGH. The doctor after subsequent tests and various examinations, came to the conclusion that I had irritable bowel syndrome. There was no treatment, and all I had to do was to adjust my lifestyle and to watch what I eat. They gave me ultra carbon tablets to take in case if I have diarrhoea. But it was sometime later in 2022, I met a friend who recommended me to come to visit Elixir Botanica. I met Rosemary, and she suggested that I try VigourCells(VC) since the gastroenterologist has given me probiotics to take. From then(Jun 2022) on until today, I have been regularly taking daily VC. My diarrhoea condition has improved. It has not stopped completely but the frequency has dropped. And I realized that every time I eat food that contains chilli sauce (whether bottled or chilli served in food stalls), like when I eat “mee pok ta” (dry noodles), my stomach could not take it as there might be some contamination in them. My wife then told me to stop taking chilli and see what happens. And true enough, once I stopped taking this type of chili sauces, there was much improvement. Diarrhoea still happens, especially if I eat deep- fried or oily food. I have since stopped taking fried kway teow and a lot of other spicy foods even though I am a Peranakan and chilli is a huge part of our diets. But I knew that I had to do it and by taking VigourCells as well, the diarrhoea has not reoccurred as frequent as before, only occasionally.
Now I live aware of this and kept to this type of diet. And as I said, since 1990 my meat intake has dropped, very rarely do I eat beef and very rarely do I take pork. The only meat I eat is chicken, which is easily digested. The reason why meat was not advised was that most animals from which we obtained the meat are fed with a lot of antibiotics to keep them healthy, to fatten them up. So try not to eat them, because the medications reside in the meat of the animals. And so when we as humans take it, they also form some form of reaction in our body such that they can cause medical issues. So I stopped taking other types of meat and even when I take chicken, I will always try to get “kampung” chicken unless I am outside and have to have a bit of other meats.
Looking back, I feel very thankful and grateful to my God knowing that I have lived for 35 years. There is an article that was written on 3 February 2011 in a Straits Times supplement called Mind Your body. My professor doctor stated this in the article, Odds of Surviving Cancer quote, “On the other hand, Mr. S, whom I operated on 20 years ago for Stage 4 stomach cancer, has remained well when the five years life expectancy was less than 10%.”. Mr. S referred to me because 11 years ago, that was in 1990, I went surgery under him, and as long as I know, I am the longer surviving patient of him to date on record, who had stomach cancer. And I thank God and I my wife especially for looking after me, forcing me to adopt the diet (that consists of vegetables) that I hated my whole life. But I believe eating well and eating the right food, is also a good habit which will help us to get well and be better. And I also want to thank Rosemary for her recommendation of VigourCells. As I have taken this daily with my probiotics, I feel much better energy-wise. My weight has not gone down. After my surgery, I lost 25 kg. I was down from 75 kg to 50kg. And then with my diet, I went down to as low as 47 – 45kg. Generally, it fluctuated within 45 to 50kg. But when I started taking VigourCells and with the improvement of my chronic diarrhoea, my weight is stabilized at around 52 kg. It has been that way for the last 2 to 3 years.
I hope that my sharing will give you all encouragement, knowing that although cancer is a deadly disease, but I believe that if you live the right way and if you eat well, I am sure you can also overcome this obstacle. There is nothing to be feared about cancer. Thank you.
Picture of Edward and Ann with Rosemary taken in 2022
Edward Ng, on VigourCells since 2022
Poet, Speaker and Theatre-maker - Stephanie Esther Fam has lived with Cerebral Palsy since birth, causing her to have litmited range of movement.
Growing up in a family where her disability was never put in the forefront, along with a unique set of human experiences, Stephanie uses her art to highlight societal and global quirks that would otherwise remain unspoken, as part of the dynamic individual she is today.
"Hi, I am Stephanie Esther Fam. I’m a freelance artist and I’ve been on VigourCells for 4 years.
I come to know of Elixir Botanica Pte. Ltd. through a friend.
When I was first introduced to VigourCells, I didn’t think it will work because I’m not a 'vitamins person'. Usually I don’t believe in taking anything “extra”. But because of this friend who happens to be very close to me, she had her own experience with VigourCells and she was like, “You just try first, it might help you.”. I have a condition called cerebral palsy. I was born with it. I've been living like this as a wheelchair user for all my life. And I wasn't really hopeful of anything when I first started taking it. It was more like: since you bless me, I just try lah. I didn’t know what was going to happen, I don't know whether I will feel better or feel worse. To be really honest, I just went in blind and after taking it for four years, if I were to be really honest with myself, I cannot live without it anymore.
VigourCells gives me more energy. Sometimes because of my line of work, I do take extra, more than the recommended dosage. Sometimes when I get sick or when I'm on shoot, I take more so it helps with the energy levels. I've also noticed that my movements are a lot easier. Before VigourCells, I couldn't even figure out how to draw letters. But now I can write my own name. But of course the letters are still like kindergarten handwriting. But to me, it's a very huge improvement. Stuff like holding a cup, I wasn't even able to hold a cup the proper way using the handle, but now I can. Even my hands, my fingers are less bent after taking VigourCells. Because my fingers used to be a lot more bent but now they have straightened. And apparently according to friends who have known me long before I started taking VigourCells, I sit up a lot more straighter than I used to.
It's not a miracle supplement but if you give it time and you're patient enough, it will work its magic on you.
As you know, I have always been a wheelchair user but now when I have to stand up to change everyday, I realized that is easier to put down my foot on the floor when I wasn't able to. Of course I still cannot walk but I'm really hopeful because I'm seeing all these very subtle changes in myself. Even my speech has improved. No doubt people say it's because of the vocal warm-ups I have to do because of my job. But I think it's partly attributed to VigourCells as well.
There’s a lot I can thank VigourCells for and yes, it’s slightly on the pricey side, but it’s worth it after a while. You can’t just take it for one month and expect changes because everybody's body is different. For me, changes only started happening one and a half years after I started taking VigourCells. So just be patient and if you don't feel anything yet, it doesn't mean it's not working. It just means it's working very silently."
Stephanie Esther Fam, on VigourCells since Apr 2020
After taking VigorCells, my appetite got better. I washed my hair twice a week and each time, I will lose a large clump of hair which is quite worrying. But since taking VigourCells, the hair loss is only a few strands after each wash. Although I'll be 77 years old in August 2024, I don't want to be botak (bald) too soon.
P Goh, on VigourCells since Apr 2024
Share with you about the product(VigourCells) I have been taking for a month+. 16th June 2024 was the 1st month anniversary. After a fortnight, I noticed after a certain time, I am sleepy. It has improved my beauty sleep. Also, the terrible tearing in my left eye improved drastically. I have dry-eye condition… And when I had an outbreak of eczema on the same area near my toes (left side) I applied the homeopathic cream. The affected area did not flare up, much to my delight. I only applied the cream for one day! So far so good, no outbreak of hives, eczema or the skin turning red and then becoming itchy because of the killer heat.
Ms. Amtel, on VigourCells since May 2024
Just to feedback on the supplement(VigourCells) I have taken. I’ve not been cutting my hair as I’ll be shaving for Hair For Hope. I’ve noticed substantial hair growth, around the whole head! A lot of baby hair and also my hair has thickened overall 😊Despite the physical challenges the past weeks, I have been taking 5 capsules per day – 3 in the morning and 2 in the evening. I sleep better despite my stress levels… one more thing! I had cramps on my left calf and it can get very bad at night. I don’t have that anymore.
Ms. A Nyeo, on VigourCells since March 2024
I am 74 years old. You may like to know that on 28 May 2024, I walked 25,641 steps or 16.2 km, climbed 79 floors and did 330 push ups! The push ups were not done in one go but in sets of 70-70-70-60-30-30. I regularly take 4 VigourCells capsules, 1 vitamin D3 & K2 capsule, and 1 Omega capsule 3 times a day.
Ming, on VigourCells since 2020
Dear Rosemary,
Just to share some good news and also this text serves to thank you for journeying with me.
Received my latest cholesterol result from a recent blood test. It was very good. It plunged from 300 to 100. My cardiologist felt that I should be targeting for 75 by adding one medication that can absorb bad cholesterol in the intestine. At the moment, I am only taking 5mg of Crestor.
After taking VigourCells for 6 weeks and removing all meat from my diet (except fish) and increasing my fibre intake massively, I have lost 7.5kg and I am feeling very good and energetic.
Thank you. I will send you my blood test results in a bit. Here’s a great testimony for you.
Jasmine Er, on VigourCells since 2020
I'm an active lady in my late sixties. My daily exercise these three over years is walking and I target to reach 10,000 steps daily. We live in Hougang/ Yio Chu Kang. My husband Melvyn and I walk mostly in parks near our home. We also drive out to Bishan, Pasir Ris, Pierce Reservoir, Thomson, Kallang Riverside, and the parks on the west side of Singapore on weekends.
I usually wake up from bed with backache which goes off after a few minutes of stretching.
I have been taking VC, Pine Bark, D3+K2, Omega and probiotics on a daily basis. I decided to take CanPrev Joint-Pro n Healthy Bones few weeks ago. I alternate between these two bone supplements daily. I realise that my morning back pain has gone away. I believe these supplements I have been taking have reduced my bodily pains. 😀
Linda Wee Mak, on VigourCells since 2020
When I was first diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes I thought it was the beginning of a long and challenging journey. It has been a good 3-4 years of hope since I started VigourCells and Pine Bark with good advice from the effervescent Rosemary! She has been so helpful and encouraging to help me lose 14 kilos thus far and to have my blood results all in order. Even my skin has improved! It’s worth every cent I’ve spent, no regrets! Thank you Elixir!
Ian Poulier, 56, on VigourCells since 2019
Sometimes i may be forgetful or mix up my many supplements, but one thing is for sure: whenever my body is under attack, like when I feel a flu coming or I get a bout of fever or sore throat, I’m sure to reach out for my "2+1"s (2 VigourCells and 1 Pine Bark), especially at night and in the morning.
They are like my Elite fighting force in my health army boosting immunity and warding off danger. They work fast and effectively like a secret weapon in my arsenal.
Irene Wee, 72, on VigourCells since 2018
It’s 24 Feb 2023. My 16yr old (soon to be 17) and I have not had Covid… hopefully we don’t get it! But for now, I’d say the arsenal of VC’s, pine bark, Vit D and Magnesium have been our close companions throughout these trying years. Although my husband caught Covid, it was nothing short of a miracle that he got through it with the least amount of side effects!
Sarah McCall, 49, on VC since 2018
Should I say I’m so “Heng” to be infected by covid19?
If you think about it, What are the chances?
Or I’m really blessed to say that I experienced no discomfort throughout my whole Covid experience, in and out of hospital except for a 2-day low grade fever and slight breathlessness days before I was admitted.
Even the doctor said that I am in the best condition among all his patients. I was given no treatment during the 9 days of hospitalisation as I have no symptoms to treat and was just waiting patiently for my immune to flush the virus out of my body👍🏻, that I can’t be more than thankful.
Though this is an experience that I never hope to go through again, I have gained more than lost in this episode. I have gained understanding that in times like this where there is no treatment against the virus , my immunity (which is a natural God given ability) will have to strive and battle for me. I have gained comfort that in this time of vulnerability, all my family (close contacts whom I see daily) including my closest-my husband and 2 young children are well and in the pink of health (testing negative for the virus after their quarantine).
In times like this, I’m really simply seeing the fruits of our daily immune boosters.
I have gained clarity of who are truly my friends in this trying time when some people can’t wait to steer away from you. But true friends, doctors, nurses, came forward to offer comfort and support.
The only loss I had was time lost with my husband and children while I was in hospital, but you learn to appreciate their noisy times better when you are home. 😊
On the day of my discharge, It was such a joyous day! The whole team of doctor came into my room without wearing PPE and mask to congrats me and presented me with flowers...when they came in unprotected, it’s like a reassurance to me that I have truly recovered...it was very meaningful and significant to me❤
Covid19 case #80 in Singapore, a long - time Elixir Botanica client
In the past I would have to get up and pee almost every hour at night so my sleep was very much disturbed and I could not rest properly at all. After having introduced VigourCells to me by Esther in mid 2018 my life has changed greatly. Not only it has improved my bladder problem - only getting up once in the night to the bathroom - my memory is getting so much better now and so has my cholesterol level. I feel so energised too after taking VigourCells. And my recent brush with the Covid-19 scare as I was put on a 14-day quarantine has again proven how wonderful and fantastic VigourCells can give us. My immune system is now stronger than before. I am so glad to have started on VigourCells.
Lizhen, 72, on VigourCells since mid 2018
I first started taking VigourCells (then called Network Antioxidants) almost 10 years ago. I’d just gotten married and my husband had introduced me to Rosemary. I was won over by how she was able to explain to me how VigourCells worked so precisely! (And with the fact that she checks out where her products are manufactured in person.)
While we had not planned for it to happen (at least not so soon), some months later, I conceived our first child, Matt. I continued to take VigourCells during my pregnancy (along with prenatal supplements), and even after. I was 37 years-old at the time, and was considered a ‘mature’ mother. The pregnancy, thankfully, was smooth, and so was the C-section to deliver the baby.
Some years later, at 42 years of age, I conceived my second child, Ollie. Again, I was on VigourCells before, during and after my pregnancy (even while breastfeeding, though that only lasted about three months). Again, and I’m extremely appreciative of this, the pregnancy went smoothly, though there was quite a bit of anxiety because of my age.
Rosemary and I always joke about my two ‘VigourCell’ babies, and I’m truly grateful that I was well-looked after during those periods. I trust Rosemary, who always makes the effort to explain what she is recommending.
Now, my two kids are also taking VigourCells (half a capsule each, in apple juice)!
I was introduced to VigourCells and have been taking it at a later stage of my cancer journey. Was diagnosed with Peritoneal cancer 3rd stage in early 2019 and started taking VC around July. I am in remission now (since nov 2019) and is taking it religiously. My strength has returned and my friends are amazed at how well I’m recovering in such a short span. Seeing how well I’ve recovered, my friends wanted me to introduced them the product! It’s great to share and care!!
Teo Lay Tin
I used to feel tired easily and experienced rapid heartbeat. Even since I’ve started taking VigourCells, I no longer experience heart palpitations. In the first few weeks of taking it, I felt it a few times and got worried hence I messaged Rosemary about it and she assured me that the Coenzyme is working and to continue to take it. I trusted her and took it, since then I have zero episode. My skin condition improved along with taking other supplements she recommended. I had skin fungus prior, despite many trips to the dermatologist, my condition didn’t improve. Now it’s manageable and I hope I’ll come to full recovery! Thank you to Rosemary for her generous sharings and genuine heart for others.
Vivien Lee
I have been on VigourCells and Pine Bark since September 2018. I live in the USA and would catch the winter flu quite often. But ever since I started taking regularly VigourCells, Pine Bark and other supplements that Rosemary recommended, my immunity level has become stronger. I have not caught the flu since then.
Lily Soh, on VigourCells since 2018
I first came to know about VC from my colleague. She told me how wonderful VC helps her. So, I just bought a bottle to try it out. After taking for 1 week, I can already feel the different. I became more energetic and the best thing is that my eczema is getting better. Without hesitation, I recommended VC to my elder sister who is suffering for gastric problems for years. Now she is getting so much better and can even do without taking medication. Now, my whole family is taking VC and can see the improvements of their health. Thumbs up for VC and a big Thank you to Rosemary.
Chris Ho on VigourCells since April 2019
I started taking VigourCells not long after the Sars period and initially, I started taking them on my own because of the antioxidative and anti-aging qualities of the power cells. But later I gave them to my son and husband as well. My son has a long history of ecyzema and sensitive skin and a patient of NSC since he was a teenager. Now he is discharged and as a family, we seldom catch the cold and flu and even today, we feel confident that we will be protected against the COVID-19 virus.
Doris Foong and family, on VigourCells since 2009
I had been taking VigourCell after my breast cancer operation 2 over years ago. It really gives me very good immunity and all this while I am very healthy and able to walk 10km or more daily. I enjoy exercising and was looking fresh always. I can eat well, sleep well and always in pink health! What I'm noticing is that I'm stronger, I have more energy and I don't tire as easily as I used to. I think vigourcell be part of my life from now on.
I was first introduced to Rosemary by a friend. My sister had suffered a fracture of her right shoulder in Jan 2019. One of the supplements that was introduced to me was VC. I took it and told my sister to take them too. Within 3
months, after taking her next x-ray, the results showed that her injury was mending well. Mind you, she didn't go for any surgery. Now, I have introduced it to my brother who has other ailments. He too has shown much improvement. Not easily getting the common cold. Since taking VC, I have not gotten the common cold too.Thanks, Rosemary for introducing us to your supplements that work.
Ellen Lim
Rosemary and I became friends in 2006 when our kids were attending the same primary school. Through her, I came to know of Network Antioxidants (predecessor of VigourCells) and that began my wellness journey. Whilst NA is good, VC is even better. VC has an improved formula and since taking it, I can say that I am bursting with energy every day. 5 km brisk walking daily is a breeze. VC also keeps me looking youthful. No one could ever guess correctly that I am over 50 and a mother of 2 grown up boys. Just recently, a new acquaintance was guessing that my kids are still in primary school. Thanks to the wonder of VC!
Anna Lee
This truly is my Elixir! Not only has VigourCells given me vigour and vitality, more importantly it has healed my sickness of stage 4 breast cancer to stage 0 in approximately 3 months! It completely has restored my once troubled, if not down and out life back to normal. I am so excited that I can now go back to normal routines such as going for long walks and gym just like before.
I went to London recently and even though winter is supposed to be over soon, it actually snowed on the 27th of February! Despite it being bitterly cold and wet, I felt really warm and full of energy, clocking up almost 25k steps every day and did not feel tired, never caught the cold or even had a runny nose. Thankful to have VigourCells as my travel companion and would not think of going anywhere without it! 😊
Malcolm Chang, on VigourCells since 2018
I have always been on the lookout for something that’s able to give me the energy to get through each day. My energy level was low and each time I travel I always come back sick and the fatigue was unbearable, not forgetting that it typically took me a week to get through jetlag. My boss recommended that I try Network Antioxidant, which has since been upgraded to Vigour Cells. I didn’t realize how much it boosted my energy until I forgot to take the supplements one day and my husband asked why I was so tired. It was then that my daughter said ‘You forgot to take your supplements today”. Omg, never realized how much it has benefited me until I didn’t take it. The new found energy is so much a part of me that as someone who exercises regularly, my instructor and friends will comment that they wonder where I got my energy from! Now my whole family takes Vigour cells and travels with it -we hardly fall sick making each trip so much more memorable and enjoyable.
Lee Geok Lian, since 2015
When I first reconnected with Rosemary in Nov 2017, I was not in good health. I had been wanting to take some form of multivitamins but was afraid that I would suffer side effects like being 'heaty' and having mouth ulcers, etc. Then came Vigour Cells in Jan 2018. It changed my life! My body responded well to it with no side effects at all. I became more energetic and now have a sense of well-being. I seldom fall sick and even if I did get a bit of fever or flu due to over-working, I recover rather quickly from it now.
Olive Tan, since 2017
My work require me to do lots of walking. Normally at the end of day, I will feel tired. After taking Vigourcells, I feel full of energy and it has help me in my work. I feel better then ever, have never fall sick and ever caught a cold or cough! Thanks to Vigourcells, it has help me to power through my work days!
Alvin Tan, on VigourCells since 2019
My relationship with VC started when my friend Yun introduced me to Rosemary, a lovely soul who has chosen people’s healthcare her life’s mission. She gave me a gift of Antioxidants. When I started taking it, I felt a renewed sense of energy and soon asked for more and shared with family and friends. Until now, I have tried quite a few other products besides VC and Pine Bark. They are all really good.
All of us have had a common experience with VC. It makes us feel really energetic despite long hours of work. Vegetarians have an added advantage of receiving all the required nutrients. VC makes us feel calm and healthy.
I wish Rosemary success in her noble endeavor to help people LIVE WELL!
Pushpa, Bhutan, since 2017
I have hypertension for over 15 years. Even though I was on medication my blood pressure was still mostly on the high side ie 150/85 or sometimes even higher. In 2019 my friend Julianna recommended me to try VigourCells and Pine Bark. Ever since I started on these 2 products, my blood pressure has dropped to normal (120/80) and I feel energised too.
Sharon Yeo
Antihistamine and me used to be best friends - I take them at least once a week.
Since I was a teenager, I lived with allergic rhinitis. Dust, pets, change in temperatures will trigger an allergic reaction resulting in tension headaches and runny nose.
If I am under stress for example during exams when I was in school or I have work deadlines, then it becomes a full blown infection which takes 2-3 days to heal.
Every holiday I go, I will have an “attack”, it is like once the body relaxes, the body system disengages.
It was very disruptive for my life and I carry antihistamine every where I go.
Until I met Rosemary. I was at her home for bible study in 2017 and my nose started to drip non-stop as she is an animal lover.
However from that day onwards, my allergic rhinitis trajectory changed as if a miracle happened.
Seeing my sorry state, Rosemary introduced the allergy relief tincture and network antioxidants (predecessor of VC) to me.
For the last 3.5 years, I faithfully take VC, omega-3 and Vit D&K every morning. Not only have I been healed 100%, I have not taken MC due to flu!
The ultimate test was when I shifted house last May, I did not even experience any allergy despite the loads and tones of packing and unpacking!
Praise the Lord for giving Rosemary the gift of healing through her supplements.
2. Two years after taking Rosemary’s supplements, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Instead of starting on
medication, I decided to try Thyroid-Pro. After about half a year, my thyroid readings improved and the doctor allowed me to stay on Thyroid-Pro without medication. Today, my readings have stabilized and I no longer see doctor on quarterly basis. I just for annual follow-up!
I continue to take Thyroid-Pro but half dosage to maintain my healthy thyroid readings.
This is another amazing health recovery for me, thanks to Rosemary!
Ling Ling, 50
I used to have very low health immunity previously. Very often I had sore throat and phlegm. I also felt tired easily. I couldn’t tolerate cold weather or any air-conditioned environment as I always felt very cold in such places. Since I started to take VigourCell a few years ago, I realise I am much stronger now and my immunity has also improved. My advice is to take the right dosage regularly in order to achieve favourable results. Thanks to VigourCell.
Poh Ling, late 60s
I was introduced to Rosemary right at the beginning of the year, 2nd Jan 2020! I have 3 blockages in my heart, of which 2 are 100% and the other 80%. Rosemary introduced Elixir Botanica’s Vigour Pack (which includes VigourCells, Omega Pro-Essential HP 40/20 & D3 + K2 with organic coconut oil) to me.
At that time, my blood readings were:
Triglycerides: 2.2 mmol/L
HDL: 1.3 mmol/L
LDL: 4.3 mmol/L
Total Cholesterol: 6.4 mmol/L
After taking for 2 months, my blood readings improved to:
Triglycerides: 1.83 mmol/L
HDL: 1.42 mmol/L
LDL: 3.75 mmol/L
Before I started on Vigour Pack, I was taking statins but I felt lethargic which led me into depression. So when I started on VigourCells, I stopped taking the statins. My energy level recovered and I came out of depression. As can be seen from my blood readings, I have made improvements! Thanks to Vigour Pack! Thanks to Rosemary! And thanks to God!
Soo Koon Liang, Male, 58
I was introduced to a vet upon Nice’s entry into Singapore in November 2013. The vet had been very detailed in her examination. As it is my first time owning a guide dog, I would always consult her for issues big and small that happened to Nice so much so that I trusted the medication prescribed and would give religiously to cure her conditions, ranging from ear infection, digestive issue to skin allergies.
However, since January 2018, Nice’s skin condition took a turn for the worse. I brought her to many other vets, all concluded no underlying issues and prescribed diets and dog foods to no avail.
Her condition deteriorated on 17 February 2019 without any apparent reason. She was diagnosed with acute liver failure and was given only 48 hours to live. The attending vet said in his years of practice, no dog survived 29.8 times toxicity of that of a normal liver. In desperation, I knocked on Rosemary’s door once again. She gave me a bottle of VigourCells in January and I was giving to Nice which saw improvement. I researched and discovered liver failure in dogs is common occurrence as I read that two guide dogs from UK and Australia died respectively at short notices from this condition. Rosemary not only blessed me with another bottle of VigorCells, a bottle of probiotics and omega pro to feed Nice on 18 February. In the animal hospital, three rounds of plasma transfusions were administered yet, the platelets kept depleting. Nice had no appetite at all and we had to force feed.
However, on 25 Feb upon feeding her probiotics, her appetite came back as I learnt from Rosemary that her gut health had been fixed, hence her appetite. From then on, She is a ball of energy, bouncy, returned to her greedy self and the happiest news, free from prescribed drugs and an unofficial spokesdog of Elixir Botanica.
Lee Lee and Nice the Guide Dog
Sherr Tan